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The 457 Medicare/Health Insurance Trap

We refer to visas and the current rules for temporary migrants, but we emphasise that we are not government officials or migration agents and you should confirm the details of this article with the relevant authority before cancelling or changing insurance. The author owns shares in a health insurer. Health…

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ATO email scams

ATO email scams - How to stay safe Spam email is a fact of life, and there are many financial scams around. But it seems that ATO scams are on the increase. I've received scam emails myself, and I've been getting more questions from clients about ATO email fraud.  …

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Useful Resource Links

Here are some helpful tax and business resources elsewhere on the web. Australian business register. Apply for an ABN or update your details. Look up an ABN using the ABN Lookup search. ASIC monitors companies (Pty Ltd) in Australia. Use this site to lodge ASIC forms and search…

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June 30 is coming

Unless you don't have a TV or a radio you would know that the end of the financial year is nearly here. There are tax time sales and ads for health insurance everywhere. Most of these are sales gimmicks and nothing to do with your financial position. But there are…

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Rental Properties – Tips for managing capital gains

1. Include all the elements of the cost base A capital gain is the difference between the capital proceeds (sale price) and the cost base (purchase price plus capital costs). Basically, the higher your cost base, the lower your capital gain. So make sure you include all the elements of…

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