If you have a student debt (a HELP debt, or HECS debt to use the…
Useful Resource Links
Here are some helpful tax and business resources elsewhere on the web.
Australian business register. Apply for an ABN or update your details. Look up an ABN using the ABN Lookup search.
ASIC monitors companies (Pty Ltd) in Australia. Use this site to lodge ASIC forms and search for whether a company or trading name already exists.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission regulates trade practices and enforces the Trade Practices Act.
The Australian Taxation Office is a wealth of resources about tax issues for businesses, individuals, investors, not-for-profits and super funds.
Xero accounting software is a cloud (online) based software that helps keep your books up to date as of yesterday, not the last balance date.
Payroll calculators
Use www.paycalculator.com.au to calculate the correct tax to deduct from your employees’ pay.
Online invoicing, budgeting and quoting tool, specifically for consultants.