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Beyond Accountancy Blog

ANZ Employee Share Plans (+ Free ANZ CGT Calculator)

Are you an ANZ employee (or former employee) who has participated in an Employee Share Plan? You've come to the right place. We can assist you with working out the tax implications for all ANZ share plans including: ANZ Employee Share Offer (Previously known as $1000 Share Plan) (ESAP) ANZ…

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The 457 Medicare/Health Insurance Trap

We refer to visas and the current rules for temporary migrants, but we emphasise that we are not government officials or migration agents and you should confirm the details of this article with the relevant authority before cancelling or changing insurance. The author owns shares in a health insurer. Health…

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Your guide to claiming self-education deductions & expenses

The question of whether study expenses are tax-deductible can be a complex one. Claiming a deduction under the “self-education” section of your tax return involves fitting into strict criteria and deduction thresholds apply. ATO self-education deduction rules The following summary is from the ATO website: Self-education expenses You can claim…

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Capital Gains Tax changes for foreign residents

The 50% CGT discount no longer applies to foreign residents who make a capital gain on taxable Australian property. This change became law on 29 June 2013. Foreign or temporary resident individuals must meet certain eligibility conditions to apply the CGT discount. From 8 May 2012, the application of the…

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Private Health Insurance Rebate changes

If you have private health insurance, you may be eligible for the Private Health Insurance Rebate. The rebate is means tested against your single or family income (i.e. if you have a partner, the family income test applies to your combined income). Incomes and rebate percentages are summarised below: Single…

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Are your contractors really contractors?

By Jarrod Rogers CPA This article should not be read as personal advice and does not apply to every situation. Should you need advice specific to your circumstances (employer or work) we invite you to become a client. Do you have an ABN? Tens of thousands of people do and…

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ATO email scams

ATO email scams - How to stay safe Spam email is a fact of life, and there are many financial scams around. But it seems that ATO scams are on the increase. I've received scam emails myself, and I've been getting more questions from clients about ATO email fraud.  …

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HECS changes look likely

HECS (HELP) changes looking likely The government looks set to remove the HELP voluntary repayment bonus. While the changes have not gone through parliament, the bill has been introduced by the current government. It's unlikely to be blocked by the opposition, because it was their idea in the first place…

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