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Beyond Accountancy Blog

The simple tax guide for barristers (Australia)

18 Mar 2020 Here’s a line I’ve never heard from a barrister: “I’ve got so much spare time, I don’t know what to do with it”. Between court deadlines, demanding clients, impatient judges and the general pressure of being a sole trader, life at the bar is very busy.  As…

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Available government support for the Coronavirus crisis

18 Mar 2020 Here's our guide to the assistance available to small businesses as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak in Australia.   The government has an assistance package to help keep cash flowing through the economy and people in their jobs.  While additional funds for health care and cash payments…

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ATO amnesty for back taxes or late returns

Jarrod Rogers CPA 16 March 2020 In the past, the government has allowed concessions or an amnesty for back taxes, late tax returns and overdue debts. At the time of writing, there is a superannuation amnesty and concessions for bushfire victims. You may be waiting for a tax, BAS or…

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Do I have to pay my HECS debt?

One of the most common financial regrets clients have is their HECS debt. That $30,000 debt seems like it will never get any smaller. The biggest regrets come from people who wish they'd never enrolled in the course in the first place. Maybe you did the first year of a…

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NZ taxes: something every Kiwi in Australia needs to know

I've sometimes thought that perhaps Australia needs to make a few things right with our trans-Tasman cousins. I'm sorry about the underarm incident. It's embarrassing to think that we'd resort to cheating like that. Sorry that our recent cricketers show such embarrassing sportsmanship (and I originally wrote that part pre-sandpaper)…

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