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Taxation statistics 2008-09
Welcome to the latest edition of Taxation statistics, the ATO’s most comprehensive statistical publication.
The publication is a thorough and detailed collection of data compiled from information provided to the ATO via tax returns for the 2008-09 income year and other information such as GST annual returns and business activity statements reported for the 2009-10 financial year.
The availability of this data reflects an organisation that is open and accountable. Taxation statistics provides a source of information that researchers and the broader community can access to improve their understanding of Australia’s tax and superannuation systems, as well as their understanding of aspects of the broader society which they support.
As is the case each year, Taxation statistics covers taxation (including GST and fringe benefits tax), excise, superannuation, the Higher Education Loan Program and payments, and transfers through the Australian tax system.
In doing so, it provides information which adds to our picture of the Australian community – including distribution of taxable income across the country; sources of income; and data about business and work-related expenditure. It also provides information about changes to tax laws that may have affected the statistics of the Taxation statistics 2008–09 edition.
Each year we endeavour to improve Taxation statistics. This year’s improvements include:
- a summary of the major tax liabilities by industry in one table in the summary chapter
- maps showing the distribution of individuals’ average taxable income across Australia, the states and territories in the personal tax detailed tables
- statistics on pre-filling by the ATO on individual income tax returns
- statistics on the new education tax refund and the national rental affordability scheme
- more details on wine equalisation tax and excise on beer
- the addition of new detailed tables to seven of the chapters.
The CD-ROM attached to the back of the book contains a more comprehensive version of Taxation statistics. This version can also be accessed at www.ato.gov.au It contains links to the relevant return form guides and other explanatory material that set out what information must be reported under each label on the forms, schedules or statements. We have again included an individuals’ sample file, which contains a 1% confidentialised sample of individual tax return information to assist the requirements of more advanced users of tax data.
Your suggestions and comments would be most welcomed and can be emailed to taxstats@ato.gov.au
Michael D’Ascenzo
Commissioner of Taxation
Source: ATO Website